Transformers learn in-context by gradient descent
In this paper, [Johannes von Oswald et al. (2022)] aim to bridge the gap between in-context and meta-learning, and show that in-context learning in Transformers can be an emergent property approximating gradient-based few-shot learning within its forward pass.
What they contribute includes:
- They construct explicit weights for a linear self-attention layer that induces an update identical to a single step of gradient descent (GD) on a regression loss and show how several self attention layers can iteratively perform curvature correction improving on plain gradient descent.
- When optimized on linear regression datasets, they demonstrate that linear self-attention-only Transformers either converge to the construction and therefore the gradient descent algorithm or generate models that closely align with models trained by GD, both in in- and out-of-distribution validation tasks.
- By incorporating multi-layer-perceptrons (MLPs) into the Transformer architecture, they enable solving non-linear regression tasks within Transformers by showing its equivalence to learning a linear model on deep representations. They empirically compare meta-learned MLPs and a single step of GD on its output layer with trained Transformers and demonstrate striking similarities between the identified solutions.
- They resolve the dependency on the specific token construction by providing evidence that learned Transformers first encode incoming tokens into a format amenable to the in-context gradient descent learning that occurs in the later layers of the Transformer.
How it works
Firstly, they change the standard multi-head self-attention layer:
to the linear self-attention layer they designed:
Then They induce the squared-error loss of e a reference linear model:
Thus, they can view the outcome of a gradient descent step as an update to our regression loss, where data, and not weights, are updated.
Set Q,K,V matrix like:
then obtain the following dynamics
Comparing one step of gradient descent with a trained single linear self-attention layer:
Comparing two steps of gradient descent with trained recurrent two-layer Transformers:
Comparing five steps of gradient descent with trained five-layer Transformers: