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[Wangchunshu et al., 2023] 介绍了RECURRENTGPT,一种在语言模型中模拟循环神经网络(RNN)中循环机制的语言仿真器。




1. 长短期记忆


2. RecurrentGPT

RECURRENTGPT将Long-short Term Memory RNN (LSTM)中的向量化元素(即细胞状态、隐藏状态、输入和输出)替换为自然语言(即段落文本),并通过提示工程来模拟循环机制。在每个时间步 t,RECURRENTGPT接收到一段文本和下一段文本的简要计划,这两者都是在步骤 t-1中生成的。然后,它会注意到包含所有先前生成段落摘要的长期记忆,并且可以存储在硬盘上,可以通过语义搜索检索相关段落。RECURRENTGPT还维护一个短期记忆,以自然语言总结最近时间步内的关键信息,并在每个时间步更新。RECURRENTGPT将所有上述输入组合在提示中,并要求主干LLM生成一个新的段落,下一段段落的简要计划,并通过重写短期记忆和将输出段落的摘要追加到长期记忆来更新长短期记忆。这些组件在下一个时间步中被重新使用,从而形成了生成过程的循环机制。


Prompt 示例


I need you to help me write a novel. Now I give you a memory (a brief summary) of 400 words, you should use it to store the key content of what has 
been written so that you can keep track of very long context. For each time, I will give you your current memory (a brief summary of previous 
stories. You should use it to store the key content of what has been written so that you can keep track of very long context), the previously 
written paragraph, and instructions on what to write in the next paragraph. I need you to write:

1. Output Paragraph: the next paragraph of the novel. The output paragraph should contain around 20 sentences and should follow the input 

2. Output Memory: The updated memory. You should first explain which sentences in the input memory are no longer necessary and why, and then 
explain what needs to be added into the memory and why. After that you should write the updated memory. The updated memory should be similar to the 
input memory except the parts you previously thought that should be deleted or added. The updated memory should only store key information. The 
updated memory should never exceed 20 sentences!

3. Output Instruction: instructions of what to write next (after what you have written). You should output 3 different instructions, each is a 
possible interesting continuation of the story. Each output instruction should contain around 5 sentences


Input Memory: 

Input Paragraph:

Input Instruction:

Input Related Paragraphs:


Output Paragraph:
<string of output paragraph>, around 20 sentences.

Output Memory:
Rational: <string that explain how to update the memory>;
Updated Memory: <string of updated memory>, around 10 to 20 sentences

Output Instruction:
Instruction 1: <content for instruction 1>, around 5 sentences
Instruction 2: <content for instruction 2>, around 5 sentences
Instruction 3: <content for instruction 3>, around 5 sentences


Vector Database

Vector Database 是一种专门用于存储和管理矢量数据的数据库系统。矢量数据由点、线和多边形等几何要素构成,常用于地理信息系统(GIS)和地图应用中。与传统的关系型数据库相比,矢量数据库提供了更高效的存储和查询方式,以支持空间数据的存储、索引和分析。


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